WordPress 5.4.2 Security and Fix Update

WordPress 5.4.2 was released on June 10 and contains 23 fixes and some security enhancements.

Security fixes

  • XSS allowed low privileged users to add JavaScript to posts in the block editor or to add JavaScript to media files.
  • Open redirect issue in wp_validate_redirect().
  • XSS issue via theme uploads.
  • Issue where set-screen-option can be misused by plugins leading to privilege escalation.
  • Vulnerabilities where comments from password-protected posts and pages could be displayed under certain conditions.

WordPress 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 also got those fixes as an update.

A complete list of all commits in this updtate can be found on wordpress.org.

Remember to always create a backup before updating.

Picture courtesy of James Sutton.

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