WordPress 4.9.7 Security Update

On July 5 a security update for WordPress has been released. It contains very important fixes for vulnerabilities, therefore the update should be installed immeadiately if not automatically installed yet.

The vulnerabilities allow users with certain capabilities to attempt to delete files on the webspace outside the upload folder.
Besides this fix there are some enhancements like:

  • Improved cache handling for term queries.
  • Clear post password cookie when logging out.
  • Allowing basic HTML tags in sidebar descriptions on Widgets admin screen.
  • Always showing the nearest WordCamp if one is coming up, even if there are multiple Meetups happening first.
  • Makeing sure default privacy policy content does not cause a fatal error when flushing rewrite rules outside of the admin context.

Remember to create updates before installing updates.

(Beitragsbild von monsitj)

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