WooCommerce 5.1

WooCommerce 5.1 was released on March 9 and brings some new improvements. The new update contains also the updates for:

  • WooCommerce Blocks 4.4
  • WooCommerce Admin 2.0.2


  1. jQuery 3 deprecated items: This will be an ongoing effort to fully remove all deprecated jQuery 3 items from core.
  2. Updating order tax: The tax name does now update in the order meta as planend.
  3. Notices not going away: Issue with “Database has been updated” notice keeps reappearing has been fixed.

Filters and actions

woocommerce_exporter_product_typesFilter to allow third-parties to filter the exportable product types.
woocommerce_cancel_unpaid_orders_interval_minutesFilter to change the interval minutes for holding stock on cancel/unpaid orders.

Remember to create a backup before updating.

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