WooCommerce 4.3

WooCommerce 4.3 was released on July 8 with several new features and improvements. This version of WooCommerce requires PHP 7.2+ and WordPress 5.2.

WooCommerce improved their update testing and therefore removed update warnings for incompatibilities for minor updates that shouldn’t make issues.


New Home Page Experience

WooCommerce gets a completly new home page design that makes store management easier than ever. It includes following items:

  • the inbox messages,
  • a quick overview of the common store metrics, and
  • shortcuts pointing to the most used settings

Blocks Update

New features and improvements were added to the Blocks.

  • A new status for orders: “draft”
  • All “Product Grid” type blocks has now 3 rows.
  • HTML editing is no longer supported.
  • Filter Products block gets more options.
  • Improved handling of taxes for Filter Products by Price block
  • Styling consistency and CSS improvements

You should double-check your Product Grid blocks after the update because of the changed rows.

Miscellaneous Improvements

A lot of improvements have been added in this update. For instance:

  • improved concurrency handling for stock level management
  • added a new Verify database tool to rebuild the database schema
  • fixed CSV import and export tool bugs
  • improved template caching in container environments
  • fixed erroneous behavior of add-to-cart links

New Hooks and Functions

WooCommerce developers have added new hooks. Here is a list of the new functions:

woocommerce_before_get_rates_for_packageFires before getting shipping rates for a package.
woocommerce_after_get_rates_for_packageFires after getting shipping rates for a package.
woocommerce_add_payment_method_form_is_validVerify the received form data when adding a new payment method.
woocommerce_add_payment_method_form_bottomAdd additional markup at the bottom of the form to add a new payment method.
woocommerce_status_widget_low_in_stock_count_pre_queryCustomize the low stock threshold to use for the low stock status widget.
woocommerce_status_widget_out_of_stock_count_pre_queryCustomize the no stock threshold to use for the no stock status widget.
woocommerce_hide_base_tables_missing_nagCustomize the notice that appears when database tables are missing.
woocommerce_checkout_order_createdFired after an order is created.
woocommerce_checkout_order_exceptionFired when an order is discarded due to Exception.
woocommerce_before_get_rates_for_packageFires before getting shipping rates for a package.
woocommerce_after_get_rates_for_packageFires after getting shipping rates for a package.
woocommerce_get_path_define_tokensCustomize the list of constants to be used in path tokenization.
woocommerce_hold_stock_for_checkoutAllows enable/disable hold stock functionality on checkout.
woocommerce_rest_performance_indicators_data_valueCustomize admin reports.
admin_body_classAdd theme class to admin body.
woocommerce_blocks_register_script_dependenciesAdd payment method script handles as script dependencies.
enqueue_block_editor_assetsEnqueue assets used for rendering the block in editor context.
wc_order_statusesRegister custom order status for orders created via the API during checkout.
woocommerce_register_shop_order_post_statusesRegister custom order post status for orders created via the API during checkout.
woocommerce_valid_order_statuses_for_paymentAppend draft status to a list of statuses.
woocommerce_cleanup_draft_ordersDelete too old draft orders.

Remember to create a backup before installing updates.

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