What will shopping feel like in virtual reality?

Will robots steal our jobs? Will we really be travelling to the office in flying cars? And more importantly, will offices even exist? Virgin’s new podcast series started in July 2017, Future Visions, tries to give answers to all these questions and more as the surreal world of tomorrow is explored through the finest minds of today.

I just listened to one of the last episodes about what shopping will feel like in virtual reality. Natalie Campbell is joined by Blockchain founder Peter Smith, who explores how tech will change the way we shop. We also hear from virtual reality expert Tracey Wiedmeyer, artificial intelligence specialist Romney Evans and hologram entrepreneur Ashley Crowder who are all working towards making shopping experiences that are more fun, more convenient, and highly personalised. But is more choice really a better thing? And what are the new opportunities for business?

Although I only listened to one episode so far, I dare to highly recomment the podcast!

(Picture courtesy of s4svisuals)

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