Treffe gleichgesinnte WordPress Entwickler und Anwender

Wer nicht bis im September auf’s WordCamp in Bern warten will, kann bereits im Juni die europäische und internationale WordPress Community treffen. Heute hatte es in der diesjährigen WordCamp Europe Stadt Paris frische 11°C. Vom 15. bis 17. Juni wird es aber ziemlich sicher etwas wärmer sein, wenn sich tausende von WordPress Entwicklern und Anwendern in Les Docks versammeln werden, um sich über WordPress zu unterhalten. Letztes Jahr in Wien waren es bereits über 2000 Teilnehmer!

Openstream wird sowohl in Bern als auch in Paris mit am Start sein und nach der grossartigen Info-Mail von WordCamp (Ro)Bot Pierre, welche gleich folgt, ist die Vorfreude auf Paris gleich um ein vielfaches gestiegen. Die WordPress Community rockt und Pierres Newsletter-Text ist ein Paradebeispiel für gutes Story Telling und unterhaltsame Event-Infos.

Bonjour Nick, how are you feeling today?

Me is Pierre. A WordCamp Europe 2017 email robot that will be your best friend from now until the conference. I know what you are thinking. Who is this robot, right? Well, the organisers gave me the power to contact you. But don’t worry, I won’t bother you – I’m here to send you the most relevant information about WordCamp Europe (from time to time).

Did you know that we are now less than 50 days away from the conference? Well, I almost forgot. I blame croissants you know – they are soooo delicious. But you’ll see for yourself soon…

If you haven’t already, now it’s a good time to register for WCEU Contributor Day (as there are only 500 spots available, with more than 350 who already registered). For all of you asking «why didn’t I get a confirmation email when registering for Contributor Day», please know that we’re not sending those – just yet. But if you finished the survey you are ready to go, and you will receive an email from us with more information soon. How soon? Well, me, Pierre, have to prepare some croissants for all of you, so be patient – give me some time. (but you can always follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay in the loop)

Planning to visit WordCamp Europe with your children? Magnifique! Paris is a city that your kids will love. And we have you covered. Like last year, we have organised professional childcare so you can let your children play, while you listen to the talks. Don’t forget to sign up for childcare though.

As of today, we have less than 250 tickets left (plus some more reserved ones that we’ll release soon, so you will have another shot ;), but nevertheless – don’t wait to get your ticket.

A few weeks back we started announcing speakers and sessions and in a week or so we will announce schedule too. Pierre can’t wait. Such wow. So excited. Much joy.

Oh, I almost forgot.

If you plan to organise a warm-up event in the days leading to WordCamp Europe? Let us know (mention us on Facebook or Twitter, or contact us via this contact form (add Subject «Warm-up Event» for clarity)) until May 30th, and we’ll add it to our list of warm-up events and publish it on our website and our social channels.

And that’s it. For me, it is time to stretch my robotic legs. Paris is chilly today at 11°C, but it’s always a good moment to enjoy a pastry.

Au revoir.

Love, Pierre.

(and the rest of WordCamp Europe organising team)

Here is all the info you will need (updated regularly), including a list of hotels

(Bilder von Les Docks in Paris von Guilhem Vellut/Flickr)

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